Strengthen Your Strengths

Calgary and Area Business Assistance

Recently, we’ve been working with a number of businesses to pivot/course correct due to COVID-19. Whether they are newly minted or have been operating on a long-term basis, our clients are adjusting to the situation; here’s how this is happening.

There is no doubt many businesses, including both larger corporations and small single-owner companies, are feeling an impact from the COVID-19 situation. Working from home, layoffs, reduced work hours, and a new focus on online opportunities are some of the changes we see occurring on a regular basis.

To assess, adjust, and adapt, one area we focus on with clients having them identify where the strengths are in their business…and then strengthening them. 

This runs contrary to a typical ‘work on your weakness’ mindset.  And it is important to ‘shore up’ areas where processes are slowing down, programs are in need of an update and so on – these are all necessary to remain current, relevant to the times, and maintain a robust operation. 

That said, there are benefits to be had when focusing some your time, and the work your business does, on the areas you/your company are great at. 

There are talents and strengths existing in your business – many times revisiting the reason you started the company brings a number of them to light.  You (and/or your partners) had a good idea, great talents at hand to brought that idea to life, and a clientele that recognized the true benefits of what you were doing.

You get more of what you focus on. When you lean on and into these natural talents and strengths (and dreams), it’s often easier to grow your opportunities, grow your business AND enjoy the process at the same time.  Leave the work you don’t enjoy doing, and therefore don’t do well, to others who will thrive in those areas. Less time for you spent on ‘the-stuff'-I-don’t-like-doing-because-I-am-not-good-at-it-and-it-takes-so-much-longer-to-get-it-done’ and more time ‘in the flow’ and ‘in your groove’, enjoying both the process and results.

What are the best ways/areas for you to spend time in your business?  We are available to help you figure this out; we can aid you in assessing your strengths and creating a plan forward to focus on the activities and areas that can generate momentum for your business.

It pays to spend little time with us before spending a lot of time reworking your tools, programs and processes, in order to ensure your efforts really are the best fit for your project and business. 

Connect with us at  or  +1 587.436.2826 to discuss your specific situation and how we can assist you.